Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hot stuff.

Dept of agriculture statistics say Americans are eating more chili peppers- 38% more than a decade ago.
That is great news for many reasons states the November issue of the Harvard Health Letter.
Chili peppers are great because of the positive effects they have on the metabolism.
Chili peppers rev up metabolism and increase oxidation of fat. Other research suggests a mitigating effect on appetite lower post meal insulin levels.
A positive effect of immigration both legal and illegal in America over the last 3 decades from India and Latin America.
Despite large amounts of spice and chili consumption diabetes is a major problem in India per a recent report in the NY Times. . Chili and spices obviously cannot make up for the huge negative impact of less bicycles and more auto transport, Coke and Pepsi sugar laden drinks and large amounts of trans fats in the Indian diet both from cheap western fast food ala McD and clones and use in baked goods as margarine.